Stina Inc. helps navigate the role plastics play in the movement toward circular supply chains, valuing carbon, and reducing GHG emissions. Stina Inc. is a mission-based company striving to harmonize human behavior with the natural world.
2025-03-06 towards a circular economy, data, policy, recycling ecosystem, Planet's future, environment, energy, manufacturing, climate change, plastic waste, Linear to Circular Economy, home
About Stina
Our Services
Research & Analysis
Our Story
Visualization & Web-Based Tool Development
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Stakeholder Engagement & Technical Assistance
Tools for Circularity
Info Exchange
Buy Recycled Products Directory
News & Media
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Webinars Harmonizing Human Behavior with the Natural World
As more waste enters oceans and landfills, harmony with nature tips further out of balance. Seeking this balance is our North Star.
Read Our Vision
Our Sustainable Planet
Organizations that align their value and supply chain to source and sell recycled material reduce GHG emissions and waste. Whether you're a business or individual, our bold action impacts the shift to circularity.
Take Action with Us
Explore the Annual Plastics Recycling Study
We track tons of plastic collected for recycling and sold to domestic vs export markets by commodity type.
See Our Work
Harmonizing Human Behavior with the Natural World
As more waste enters oceans and landfills, harmony with nature tips further out of balance. Seeking this balance is our North Star.
Read Our Vision
Our Sustainable Planet
Organizations that align their value and supply chain to source and sell recycled material reduce GHG emissions and waste. Whether you're a business or individual, our bold action impacts the shift to circularity.
Take Action with Us
Explore the Annual Plastics Recycling Study
We track tons of plastic collected for recycling and sold to domestic vs export markets by commodity type.
See Our Work
We illuminate the path towards a circular economy.
From plastic recycling data and bringing tools for circularity forward to influencing change in policy and throughout the entire recycling ecosystem, see how we use data, technology and collaboration to help reimagine our Planet's future.
See Our Services
Journey to Recyclability for Plastic Squeeze Tubes
What does it take to make a package recyclable? See how collaborative stakeholder groups work to answer this critical question to arrive at recyclability for plastic squeeze tubes as a packaging format.
See Our Work
We track critical data and then tell its story.
Explore our take on the topics and trends engaging today's environmental, energy and manufacturing thought leaders.
Plastic Recycling Data, 2022
Plastic Recycling Data, 2022
Description: Plastic Recycling Data, 2022
Hashtags: #stina #public
Plastic Recycling Data, 2021
Plastic Recycling Data, 2021
Description: Plastic Recycling Data, 2021
Hashtags: #stina #public
Plastic Recycling Data, 2020
Plastic Recycling Data, 2020
Description: Plastic Recycling Data, 2020
Hashtags: #stina #public
A Fresh Film Philosophy
A Fresh Film Philosophy
Description: A Fresh Film Philosophy
Hashtags: #public #stina
"Seeking to work with leaders whose strategies are at the scale of the dueling challenges of climate change and plastic waste."
Nina Butler, Principal & CEO
Meet the Team
Transitioning from a Linear to a Circular Economy
Technological innovation and transparent information coupled with taking actions based on where you are in the value chain of recycling helps stimulate the recycling economy toward circularity. Explore more!
Connect with us.
Come back to see what upcoming events we will be attending or speaking at listed here in the near future.

Every year Stina donates to offset its carbon footprint due to travel and internet usage.
Stina donates to organizations working to prevent further impairment to the natural world. We believe protecting natural ecosystems is essential in the fight against climate change and loss of biodiversity.
In 2022, Stina donated to the Friends of Bonobos. Bonobos are great apes and are human's closest relative. They are endangered and could go extinct in our lifetime. Friends of Bonobos is on a mission to save and protect bonobos and their rainforest home - forever. They do this through rescue, sanctuary and rewilding, by partnering with local communities to tackle root causes and save the rainforest and by raising the profile of bonobos locally and globally.
Visit Friends of Bonobos
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